
Wax gourd

[ source ] from the" materia medica by variorum"
[ ] Dō n Pinyin name Gu.
[ ] fruit of Chinese Waxgourd English name
[ alias ] white pumpkin, sesame, white melon, water melon, melon ground sesame, PU, pillow melon.
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: gourd melon fruit.
Latin animal mineral name: Benincasa hispida ( Thunb. ) Cogn.[B. cerifera Savi]
Harvest and storage: in late summer, early autumn, when ripe.
[ ] the original morphology of annual herbaceous or climbing frame. The stem is tawny hirsute and villous, angled trench, ca.6m. Leaves alternate; petiole stout, long 5-20cm, being brown bristles and villous; leaf blade reniform suborbicular, wide 15-30cm5-7lobed or sometimes lobed, lobes broadly ovate, apex acute, margin denticulate, base deeply cordate, both sides were rough, veins on abaxial leaf surface mesh, slightly elevated, dense the coat. Zheng must in leaf axils,2-3disambiguation, is coarse hair and long pilose. Flowers unisexual, monoecious; flowers solitary in axils of leaves, pedicels are stiff hairs; calyx tube debate, lobes triangular ovate, margin serrate, reflexed; corolla yellow,5divided to base, outreach; male flowers with stamens 3, filaments division, anthers ovate, chamber is in a S shape bend; female ovaries a long cylindrical or long ovate, densely fulvous hirsute, stigmas 3, slightly twisted. Pepo large, fleshy, round columnar or subglobose, length 25-60cm, diameter 10-25cm, surface with bristles and wax powder. Seeds numerous, ovoid, white or pale yellow, compressed. Florescence 5-6 month, month of fruit period 6-8.
[ ] habitat distribution throughout the country have cultivation.
[ ] cultivation
Biological characteristics of hi warm climate. Heat resistant, be afraid of waterlogged, avoid hypothermia. Should choose good drainage, the soil deep sandy loam or clay loam soil cultivation, not in the low-lying land.
Cultivation techniques for seed propagation, seedling transplanting method. Spring sowing autumn at 2-3 months, in early July, with spring sowing advisable. Seed, germination by soaking in the bed, or nutritional bowl seedling. When the cucumber long3-4 leaves, according to the spacing2m× 1m open point transplanting, each with around 45001hm2.
Field management seedling apply 2-3 second thin person cultivate excrement water, fruit Qiqin apply thick soil or compost or cake fertilizer, compound fertilizer. The whole growth period, pay attention to loosen the soil, weeding, and timely watering, dry season, rainy period of drain. Seedling Manchang above 30cm, the border bedding, lead vines creeping growth; or by2 high scaffolding, the vine canopy on growth; or inserting stent, lead vines on the growth of. Results before early, timely removal of all lateral stem; fruit, anthology stay plant central lateral stem2-3, the remaining lateral stem extraction, main stem or not topping topping. Blossom period, artificial pollination.
Pest control wilt disease, anthrax disease, powdery mildew, damage the roots, leaves, vines, control methods of cucumber.
[ ] gourd chemical composition of500g protein containing1.5g, sugar 8g,15g1.1g crude fiber, ash, calcium 72mg, P 45mg,1.1mg iron, carotene ( carotene )0.04mg ( thiamine )0.04mg, thiamin, riboflavin ( riboflavine ) (0.08mg, nicotinic acid ( nicotinic1.1mg acid ), vitamin C ( vitaminC )61[1].
[ ] taste sweet; light; slightly cold
[ ] the lung meridian; the intestines; Bladder Meridian of
[ ] diuresis functions; heat; phlegm; fluid; detoxification. The main water swelling full; gonorrhea; beriberi; control; heat boredom; diabetes; carbuncle; anal fistula; and Danshi poison; fish poisoning; alcohol poisoning
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,60-120g; or simmer; or ramming juice. External: amount, trace and apply; or washed fried
[ note ]
1: the glenoid, hot food, cold food of the thin man.
2 Cui Yuxi" eating": do not eat cold, and disease, and gastric reflux disease.
The 3" Chinese Materia Medica": if the cold cold renal Sutra, a sliding vent, not eat.
4" long Tsay": the person diet, also good.
[ ] the discussion
1" do not recorded": attending lower abdomen water swelling, Lee urine, thirst.
2Tao Hongjing: detoxification, diabetes, dead boring, destination Jiashi clothes.
3: Qi Meng, the old resistance, in addition to thoracic heart, to face the heat.
4" Hua Zi": Chufan materia. Treatment of chest and diaphragm heat, heat dissipation of carbuncle; Qiemo prickly heat.
5" after this draft": the main three dispersion-thirst diseases, solution heat accumulation, profit is big, small intestine.
6" Chinese materia medica spread meaning": suffering from back and all tumors, cut a chunk of the boil, the heat is easy to disperse heat, gas.
7" Materia Medica": recovered five drench daily.
8" Southern Yunnan Materia Medica": treating sputum roar, asthma, ginger falls. Distance and solution of miasma, and treatment of infantile convulsion. Moistening lung heat eliminating phlegm, stopping cough, Lee urine.
9" new" materia medica: clearing away the heart-fire purging fire, spleen, removing dampness to wind, clearing heat and thirst.
10" diet" with information spectrum: heat, Yang Wei Sheng Jin, polyester abusive treatment trouble eliminating carbuncles, water treatment, fullness, dysentery, cholera, Xie fish wine poison. Also for edema, cool wet.


