
Tibetan Herb

[ ] C Pinyin name 's n J n Ji keyword to be to be
[ source ]
Source: Chinese Labiatae plants of Tibetan ground portion of Schizonepeta tenuifolia.
Latin animal mineral name: Nepeta angustifolia C.Y.Wu
[ ] the original form of Tibetan Schizonepeta, perennial, height of about60cm. Stem erect, much branched, four prism, with thin stripes, was down on the curved puberulent. Leaves opposite; sessile; stem leaves linear-lanceolate, length 2-4cm, width 0.7-0.8cm, apex acute or obtuse, base broadly cuneate to subrounded, margin subentire, or sparsely1-3 on both sides of the sawtooth, puberulent and glandular dots; bract leaf and stem of the same shape, slightly to drill shape, to smaller, shorter than the verticillaster inflorescence, entire. Wheel umbrella flower with axillary,1-5flowers; bracts linear, long 5-10mm, width of1mm, both surfaces puberulent; pedicels puberulent; calyx tubular, two lips, even teeth, long 1.5cm, long8mm, veins 15, obviously, after 3teeth triangular, front2 teeth recurved, with hard the barbed tip; corolla blue or purple, long 2.5-3cm, outside puberulent, tube length 2-2.5cm, limb two lip, upper lip straight, apex 2 - lobed, lobes of lower lip middle, margin undulate, reflexed,3 lobed, lobes in maximum, apex concave, margin undulate; stamens 4, anterior to the short, inside, on longer, apex of filament has a very prominent appendages, anther locules 2, level. Nutlets oblong-ovate, apex rounded, with a bushy fluff. Flowering7-9.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in2500m elevation below the adjacent to the house or thickets, also cultivated.
Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest and Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Xinjiang, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Tibet and other places.
[ ] taste acrid in taste and cold;
[ ] functions endogenous wind Zhijing; swelling and pain. The main epileptic convulsion; traumatic swelling and pain
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-9g; or at the end of the inquiry.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]


