
Tibetan mushroom Chen

[ ] C Pinyin name 's n J n Ch e n reports to be
[ source ]
Medicine source: Gentianaceae plants of Swertia herb.
Latin animal mineral name: Swertia mussotii Franch.
Harvest and storage: summer and autumn harvest, washed, chopped, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of annuals, high 15-60cm. The yellowish stems, four prism, prism has a narrow wing, plant a tower or fastigiate branched, branches inclined exhibit. Leaves opposite; sessile; leaf blade ovate lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, long 8-35mm,3-10mm wide, apex obtuse, base slightly cordate, semiamplexicaul; below midrib prominent. Conical compound cymes, with many flowers; pedicel erect or obliquely extending, up to 5cm long; calyx green,4 lobed, lobes linear-lanceolate, apex acute. 3 distinct veins abaxially; corolla dark red to purple, diameter 8-13mm. 4 lobed, lobes lanceolate, long 79mm, apex acuminate, with pointed, base with a 2groove of the prostatic fossa. Narrowly oblong, drowning, margin pilose with tassels; ovary oblong, sessile, styles short, stigmas 2lobed, lobes semiorbicular. Capsule oblong lanceolate, long 8-14mm, apex acute. Seeds ellipsoid, dark brown, with fine mesh surface protrusions. Flower, fruit7-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in1900-3800m elevation slopes, valleys, thickets, forest and water.
Resource distribution: distribution in the southwest and Qinghai, Tibet and other places.
[ character ]
Identification of root traits in conical surface, light yellow or yellow, fibrous, easily broken, section is smooth, white. Stems nearly four prismatic, unequal thickness, section, section with axillary opposite branch, pale green to yellow. Leaf blade dropping and breaking, intact leaves long oblong or lanceolate, long 1-5cm, apex blunt, base attenuate, margin entire. Flowers crimple, pale yellow to pale blue, corolla 4or5 deep cleft, gas love fragrance, taste bitter.
Microscopic identification of root transection: cork tissue stenosis. Cortical parenchyma cells with a tangent extension. Phloem stenosis. Cambium is not obvious. Xylem consists of wood fiber and wood fiber conduit, wall thickness and lignified, catheter single or2-5flocks, radial arrangement. Central to the primary xylem conduit, single or2-3flocks, dispersed in the parenchyma cells. The transverse section of the stem: periphery has4 edges, by 2-5 column circular thin-walled cells, epidermal1 columns and square or round cells, outer cuticle. Cortex by 4-8 column oval thin-walled cells. Within the cortex was apparent with Casparian dots. Vascular double strong type. Phloem sieve tube group were slightly wider. Cambium is not obvious. Xylem consists of wood fiber and the catheter. The wood fibers are arranged radially, wall wood. A catheter with multiple2-5flocks, radial alignment, wall wood. The pith is broad, myeloid round and big, the central part of ruptured into a cavity. Ye Heng section: epidermal1columns of cells, epidermal cells of larger, wall thickening. Palisade tissue2 column,1 column near the epidermis cell is slightly extended. Spongy tissue with air chamber. Vascular double strong type, distribution of spongy tissue, midvein slightly protruding lower surface.
[ ] the chemical composition of grass containing the mango glucoside ( mangiferin ), oleanolic acid ( oleanolic acid ),1,8 - two hydroxy - 3,5- two methoxy xanthone (1,8-dihydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyxanthone ),1 - hydroxy - 3,5- two methoxy xanthone (1hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyxanthone ),1 - hydroxy - 3,7,8 - methoxy xanthone (1-hydroxy-3,7,8-trimethoxyxanthone ),8 - hydroxy - 1,3,5 - methoxy xanthone (8-Hydroxy-1,3,5-trimethoxyxanthone ),1,8 - two hydroxy - 3,7- two methoxy xanthene ketone (1,8-dihydroxy-3,7-dimethOxyxanthone ),1,7,8 - three hydroxy - 3 - methoxy xanthone (1,7,8-trihydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone ),1,3,8 - three hydroxy - 5 - methoxy xanthone (1,3,8-trihydrox - ten methoxyxanthone ),1,7two hydroxy - 3,4,8 - methoxy xanthone (1,7-dihydrox-3,4,8-trimethoxyxanthone ) also known as Chi Yinchen xanthone ( zangyinchenin ). Also including amarogentin ( amarogentin ), when hormone (swertisin ),8-0beta D pyran glucose - 1,3,5 - three hydroxy xanthene ketone (8-0-3 - D-glucopyranosyl-1,3,5-trihydroxyxanthone ),8-O - beta - D glucopyranosyl - (1,6) - beta - D glucopyranosyl base ) - 1,7 - two hydroxy - 3 - methoxy xanthone
[ ] the hepatoprotective effect of pharmacological effect of this product with hepatoprotective effect, can significantly reduce the carbon tetrachloride ( CCL4) in mice induced by alanine transaminase ( ALT ) rise, reduce CCl4 induced hepatocellular lesions, antagonist of acetaminophen-induced liver injury, but to sodium pentobarbital induced sleep time has no significant effect on. For liver resection in rats, which can accelerate the regeneration of the liver, to make a 70% hepatectomy after 3days of basic returned to normal liver weight. Hepatoprotective active components of mangiferin, oleanolic acid and ketone component. For low pressure tanks to simulate the elevation of 8000m and2 hours in rats induced by hypotonic hypoxia liver injury, the injection advance intraperitoneal injection can prevent the aspartate aminotransferase ( AST ) and hepatic lysosomal acid phosphatase activity increased, and reduced liver total lipids content. Rat liver lysosomes in vitro incubation experiments show, the product injection, mango glycosides have stability of lysosomal membrane function, and can directly inhibit lysosomal acid phosphatase activity.
Discrimination [ ]
Take the coarse powder2G, plus 75%20ml ethanol, reflux extraction, filtration, and the filtrate is concentrated to the 10ml, for the following experiments: 1to obtain filtrate1 drops, to filter paper, the ultraviolet lamp was observed under light orange, fluorescence, add 1% to1 drops of magnesium acetate acid liquid, fluorescence is strengthened apparently, bright golden yellow.
2and1point drop filtrate, filtering, drying, add 1% to1 drops of ferric chloride ethanol solution, was dark green.
[ ] the taste of bitter cold;
[ ] Qinggan Lidan Tuihuang functions; and water swelling. The main acute Huang Heng type and non icteric hepatitis; cholecystitis; edema
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-10g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

