
Flint grass

[ source ] from" the common Chinese herbal medicines in Tibet".
[ ] Pinyin name Dǎ Huǒ Cǎ o
[ ] Herb of Nepal Pearleverlasting English name
[ alias ] Anaphalis sonic
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Compositae plant Anaphalis nepalensis entire grass.
Latin animal mineral name: Anaphalis nepalensis ( Spr. ) Hand.- Mazz.[Elichrysum nepalensis Spr.]
Harvest and storage:6-9months after harvest, washed, dried.
[ ] the original morphology of Anaphalis nepalensis perennial is herbaceous, tall 10-30cm. Rhizome slender or slightly thick, up to20(40) cm, fine stoloniferous, densely white lanose, a terminal rosette leaves. Stems erect or obliquely ascending. Ye Husheng; sessile; central lobe oblong or oblanceolate, base slightly clasping, not decurrent leaf or below, all white woolly and stipitate glandular hairs. Capitula1-6corymbose arrangement; the number of spherical involucre, long 8-12mm, wide 15-20mm; involucral bracts8-12mm, wide 15-20mm; involucral bracts8-9layer, FL. radially, the innermost linear-lanceolate, is about full-length 1/3claw; torus bee promoters; female heads outside the multilayer female the3-6, a male; male flower heads are all male, or peripheral1-3female. Achene is cylindrical, long 1mm, with a hairy, crested fold. Florescence 6-9 month, month of fruit period 8-10.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in altitude 2400-4500m mountain slopes, forest margins, ditches and rock.
Resource distribution: located in Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan, Tibet and other places.
[ ] taste sweet; flat
[ ] clearing heat and calming the liver functions; cough. The main cold cough; acute and chronic tracheitis and asthma; gas; essential hypertension
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-12g.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

