
Fruit packs

Pinyin name ] [ Dǎ Chó n Gu ǒ
[ alias ] rice soup fruit
[ source ]
Medicine medium source: Myrsinaceae plant dense gear To Ko fruit.
Latin botanical mineral name: Embelia vestita Roxb.[Samaravestita animal Kurz; Embelia prunifolia Mez "
Harvest and storage: the autumn and winter, when ripe, dried in the sun.
[ ] the original morphology of climbing shrubs or small trees,5m higher. The shoots are finely puberulent, lenticellate. Ye Husheng; petiolar long 4-8mm, two sides are slightly wrinkled; leaf firmly papery, ovate to ovate-oblong, dilute elliptic-lanceolate,5-11cm long,2-3.5cm wide, apex acute, acuminate or obtuse, base cuneate or rounded, margin serrulate to serrate, dilute; lateral veins numerous, distinct, with both surfaces uplift of the glands, especially near the edge for. Racemes, axillary, long 2-4cm, are fine hairs; pedicels 2-5mm, was sparsely papillae; bracteoles subulate, ca.1.5mm, ciliate, both surfaces puberulent; take 5numbers, about 2mm long; sepals ovate. The length of about 1.5mm, ciliate; without or with minimal point; petals white or pink, separation, narrowly oblong or oval, ligulate or subspatulate, inside densely papillae, with conspicuous glands; stamens in female flowers degradation, longer than petals 1/ 2, in male flowers extended petals, inserted on2 /5petals, anthers ovate or oblong, back without glands; pistil in female flowers with petals subequal, usually recurved. Fruit globose or slightly flat, about 5mm in diameter, red, with glandular dots. Florescence 10-11 month, fruit period in October to February of next year.
[ ] habitat distribution
Ecological environment : in elevation of 200-1700m limestone slopes under forest.
Resource distribution: distribution in Yunnan.
[ character ] trait distinguishing fruit spherical or slightly oblate, ca.5mm, red, with glandular dots. Stem after tan. Gas, sour, sweet.
[ ] acid taste; flat
[ indications ]. The main ascariasis; tapeworm disease
[ usage]: orally taken decoction,3-9g; or at the end of the inquiry.
Excerpts from" Chinese Materia Medica" [ ]

