

[Pinyin] Bā Jiǎo Fēnɡ

Platinum [alias] section [lateral root name], White Dragon to be [to be like the root name], octagonal Wang, Indus anise, star anise general, cut the tongue Luo, Acer mono, seven horns Feng, Ye Luo Tong, Corolla wood

【Source】 alangium Division alangium genus Chinese melon wood Alangium chinense (Lour.) Rehd. And melon wooden A. platanifolium (Sieb. et Zucc.) Harms. To lateral, to be like root (fibrous root) and leaves, take medicine. Root can be taken throughout the year, excavated to remove sediment, to be cut and shaped to take lateral roots can be dried. Summer, autumn leaves and flowers collected, dried for use, or fresh use.

[Original form]
1 Chinese melon trees: deciduous shrub or small tree, 4 to 5 meters. Bark light gray yellow, smooth, branchlets round, pale yellow, pale yellow or brown with coarse, obvious lenticels. Leaves alternate, sessile; leaf varied greatly, often oval, round or oval, 5 to 18 cm wide and 4 to 12 cm, tip long pointed, base skewed, truncated, slightly deliberately shaped , entire or less for the upper 3 to 5 lobed, the main vein 5, often below the axillary vein plexus hair. Summer and autumn open white flowers fade to cream; 3 to 15 and even more than 30 flowers into the axillary poly umbrella panicles, peduncle length 6-15 mm, pedicels dense hairs; calyx broad bell-shaped, rim ciliated, calyx teeth 6-8; the number of petals and alternate with the calyx teeth, bar, and often anti-roll from the top; the same number of stamens and petals, and so long, with short filaments, flat, dense coat dried, anther bar, three times the length of filaments , faceplate round, located in sub-roof; ovary inferior, 2 rooms, each room ovule 1, style slender, 3 lobed stigma. Drupe oval, about 1 cm, black when ripe, the top teeth and calyx with accommodation deposit faceplate. Seed. Born in the mountain side of the road in the bush or weed. Located in Shaanxi, Gansu, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces.
2 melon wood: wood is very similar to the melon with China, but leaves usually apparent 4-7 split, base heart-shaped, with sparse hair below. Inflorescence of small flowers, usually two to several flowers. Ripe stone fruit smaller. Born in mountain forest edge. Distributed in Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan provinces.

[Taste] Sim, tepid. Toxic.

【Indications】 Qufengchushi getting a vivid, loose silt pain. Through joints for rheumatism, bruises, schizophrenia.

Dosage 1 to 3 lateral money, gradually increase the dosage by small, not excessive; fibrous money is generally not more than 1, preferably after meals.

[Note] toxic! During pregnancy, children and the elderly and infirm with caution.

(1). Alangium to be like the root (White Dragon to be) more toxic, poisoning the light, dizziness, weakness, severe respiratory depression and death can result. The first thing to consider in the rescue for artificial respiration, and other symptomatic treatment should also timely. When used as muscle relaxants, should be in a hospital for emergency conditions.
(2) trial reported two octagonal Maple Leafs 2, decoction morning and evening services. Treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis have a certain effect.

[Excerpt] "National Herbal Compendium,"


