
Dwarf Gentian

[Source] from the "common folk herbal Kunming"

[Pinyin] ǎi Jiǎo Lónɡ Dǎn

[Alias​​] little gentian

[Source] source based medicine: as gentian gentian plants the whole plant pubescent.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Gentiana pubigera Marq.
Harvesting and storage: summer harvest, washed and dried.

[Original form] short annual herb, about 4cm. Stems inclined students, single or several stems have arisen. Basal leaves dense, most of the leaves broadly ovate or ovate-elliptic, 12-15mm, width 10-12mm, apex acuminate, base obtuse; stem Ye, opposite, sessile; leaves oblanceolate shaped to obovate-lanceolate, length 5-10mm, width 3mm. Spend the majority of 1-2 apical; calyx wide triangular, pubescent outside the mask, after the loss, narrow triangular lobes, corolla light blue, yellow-green stripe outside the mask, flowers funnel-shaped, about 12mm, 5 lobed, lobes oval, with a short tail, pleated ovate, wavy edges with obvious teeth; stamens 5, was born in the middle of corolla tube, unequal length; ovary narrowly elliptic, handle length 2.5-4mm, Style Line , exposed or capsule containing, oblong spoon-shaped, long 8-9mm. Seeds brown, the majority of the surface with a textured, apex rounded, with wide wings, on both sides of the edge of a narrow wings, long handle up to 1.3cm. Flowers, fruit in May.

[Habitat distribution] environment: Born in 2400-3800m above sea level slopes of grass.
Resource distribution: distributed in Sichuan, Yunnan and other places.

[Bitter] taste; cold

【Indications】 heat pathogenic fire. The main red eyes and throat; toothache; sore throat; boils Boil

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang,10-15g. Topical: the amount, or fried Washed with Seto.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"


