
Brown fern

[Source] from the "original herbal treatment manual."

[Pinyin] Bù Lǎnɡ ěr Jué

[English name] Herb of Braun's Holly Fern

[Alias​​] Guanzhong, fern rhizome

Medicine-based source: Dryopteridaceae Brown fern plant roots.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Polystichum braunii (Spenn.) Fee [Aspidium braunii Spenn.]
Harvesting and storage: summer and autumn harvest. Excavated to remove petioles and fibrous roots, washed, fresh or dried.

[Original form] plant height 30-50cm. Rhizome short, erect, with petioles, rachis densely covered with brown, narrowly lanceolate scales. Leaves tufted; petiole length 4-8cm, Straw color; firm leathery leaves, oblanceolate, long 25-40cm, width 10-15cm, the lower tapered narrow, two were fibrous scales, bipinnate; Yu film 18-25 pairs, flat, lanceolate, the larger central, long 5-7cm, width 2-3cm, a split back feathers; pinnules nearly opposite, sickle-oblong, base on the side of a large, gradually up the rest of the film is small, blunt head with small thorn-like sharp edge of a prick, base asymmetric, with feather-shaped cut on the edge of the shaft parallel to the lower edge of the wedge-shaped extension into the feather shaft under the wings; middle of the following pinnae gradually reduced, the next one pair about 2cm; veins pinnate, lateral veins forked over leaf edge. Sori round, was born in a small vein tip, each with 2-4 pairs of pinnules; capsule base cap brown, irregular jagged edges.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: Born in 1400-2000m above sea level the forest, wet places.
Resource distribution: distributed in northeast, north, northwest and Sichuan.

[] Slightly bitter taste; cool

】 【Go through the lung; spleen

【Indications】 Qingrejiedu; bleeding; insecticide. Main influenza; JE; mumps; epistaxis; uterine bleeding; enterobiasis; white bald head sores

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang,10-15g; powder, 3g. Topical: the amount, tone powder paint.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"


