
Half of the wind

[Source] only contained in the "Outline of Materia Medica Xinhua."

[Pinyin] Bàn Biān Fēnɡ

[English name] Tsoong Pellionia

[Alias​​] tiger grouper

Medicine-based source: Hamamelidaceae plant mushroom root of the tree.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Altingia chinensis (Champ.) Oliv.ex Hance
Harvesting and storage: summer excavation, removal of fibrous roots, wash, cut and dried.

[Original form] mushroom tree evergreen trees, 20m. When technology hairless, dry accompany brown. Leaves alternate, coriaceous; petiole about 1cm, glabrous; Stipules caducous; leaves obovate-oblong, 7-13cm, width 3-4.5cm, apex short acute tip, sometimes a little obtuse, base cuneate, margin blunt serrated, dark green above, dry slightly shiny, light green below, glabrous, lateral veins about 70 pairs in the upper and lower protruding on both sides. Male flowers form short spikes, about 1cm, and then arranged in panicles often multiple; stamens many, nearly sessile, anthers obovate; female capitulum form, solitary or several arranged in panicles, have spent 15 -26 flowers, flower stalk length 2-4cm; calyx tube and ovary Link, calyx teeth papillary; ovary inferior, 2 rooms, hidden in the inflorescence axis, style 2, length 3-4mm, tip curved outward , with soft hair. If the first order near-spherical shape, diameter 1.7-2.8cm; Most seeds, brown and shiny.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: multi-born 600-1000m above sea level subtropical evergreen forest.
Resource distribution: distributed in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.

[Character] traits to identify the root cylinder, the size of different lengths. Surface white, smooth. Quality hard, fibrous cross-section. Gas micro-, tasteless.

Chemical Composition leaves with crystal blue glycosides (monotropein), car leaf grass glycosides (asperuloside).

[Taste] Xin; temperature

】 【Go through the Heart Sutra

Indications rheumatism; the flow of qi. Main Fengshibitong; numbness; bruises

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang,5-10g.

[Discussion of] each, "Xinhua herbal outline": the whole plant poison used for swollen boils.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"

