
August melon

[Pinyin] Bá Yuè Guā

[Alias] cattle kidney fruit, melons in June, a small eight melon, which melon, yellow dog kidney, wood king melon, August fruit, melon Savage, thorn vine fruit, bags of fruit lazy cow.

Medicine-based sources: for five wind Akebia vine plants, wide leaves and flowers in August August melon melon fruit.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: 1.HolboelliafargesiiReaub.2.Holboellia latifolia Wall.3.Holboellia parviflora (Hemsl.) Gagnep.
Harvesting and storage: When picking ripe fruit in autumn, dried in the sun.

[Original form]
1 V. acutum evergreen vine nature, long 3-8m. Bark brown, cylindrical branches, stems, branches are hairless. Palmate compound leaf; petiole 1.5-8cm; leaflets 5 (3) -7 (9), compared with a small petiole slender, long 0.5-2cm; leaflets narrowly oblong, obovate-lanceolate to narrowly lanceolate, long 2-7cm, width 0.6-2cm, the size varies greatly, apex with a small short point, base wedge-shaped, gray leaves below, lateral veins not obvious, entire, glabrous on both sides. Flowers unisexual, monoecious, clustered axil of the corymbs, each with 1-3 flower stems total; bracteoles small, almost obvious; male flowers small, green and white, large, about 1.5-2cm , sepals 6, ranging from long, nearly fleshy, oblong-spatulate, apex obtuse and thickened, petals (nectaries) scaly, nearly round or triangular, width 0.5mm; degradation of the pistil-like anther 0.75mm, carpel 3, ovules many, arranged in five columns. Fruit purple, oblong, apex obtuse, long 7-9cm. Flowering April to May, fruit from June to October.
(2) broad leaf evergreen vine-like shrub melons in August, up to 5m, whole plant glabrous. Palmate compound leaf; leaflets 3-7, glabrous, thick, leathery; petiole length 5-11cm; ranging from small petiole length, length 0.6-3cm; leaflets oval or obovate-oblong to elliptic, 5 -7cm, width 2.5-4.5cm, was born in the main stem of the long 5-15cm, apex acuminate or caudate acuminate, base broad cuneate or rounded, dark above, light green, light green below. Flowers clustered in corymbs axillary, very aromatic, unisexual, monoecious; male sepals 6.2 out long 1.5-1.7cm, green and white, narrowly oblong; petals 6, small, stamens long 1.2cm, anther shorter than the filaments, anther length 5mm, filament length 7mm; female flowers large, sepals long 2.2cm, purple, petals 6, small, fake 6 stamens, pistils 3, ovary 3 rooms. If a bunch of often 2-3, irregular oval, sausage-shaped, long 5-16cm, diameter about 3cm, purple when ripe, with the majority of seeds. Flowering May to July, fruit ripening from August to September.
3 August melon flowers climbing shrub. Ministries glabrous, branches with stripes. 3 leaflets pinnate leaves, thin coriaceous; petiole length 7-9cm, cylindrical, slender; small petiole 0.5-2.5cm; leaflets lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, long 6-11cm, width 2-5.5 cm, apex long acuminate or caudate acuminate, base obtuse or rounded, smooth above, veins clear below. Flowers (male flowers only see) is small, fleshy, to spend the formation of a short stalk of corymbs, clustered axillary; pedicel slender, length 0.5-1.5cm; bracts nearly round, large, wide, 5mm; outer three sepals hypertrophy , oval, concave, about 5mm, blunt, round three in thin, lanceolate, about 3mm, acute; petals (nectaries) long lmm; stamens 6, the inward and sepals of equal length, alternate the shorter, filament separation, fleshy, cylindrical, short anthers, medicine room nearby, do not anther out. Fruit berry-like, oval, purple.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: 1. Hillslopes, roadsides, river, forest edge and broad-leaved forest.
(2) was born in Mountain weed or bush.
3 Born 1500-1900m above sea level edge of Shishan.
Distribution of resources: 1. Located in Shaanxi, Anhui, Zhejiang, Fujian, Hubei, Guangdong, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places.
(2) distributed in Guizhou, Yunnan, Sichuan, Tibet and other places.
3 located in southeastern Yunnan.

[Bitter] taste; cool

】 【Go through the bladder; heart; liver

【Indications】 heat and dampness; Huoxuetongmai; qi pain. Main scanty dark urine; splashing muddy; edema; Fengshibitong; bruises; milk barrier; colicky; uterine prolapse; orchitis

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang ,3-9g.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"


