
Octopus Dragon

[Pinyin] Bā Zhǎo Jīn Lónɡ

[Alias​​] two hundred gold, Octopus Dragon, Octopus root, iron umbrella, high Octopus, Throat Arrow [Sichuan]

[Source] for the Myrsinaceae Ardisia plants two hundred gold Ardisia crispa (Thunb.) DC. [A.hortorum Maxim; A. henryi Hemsl.], With roots and leaves used as medicine. Summer, autumn collection.

[Original form] evergreen semi-shrub, up to 1 meter. Root woody, slender cylindrical, with branches, purple-brown, pink section, with brown dots. Stem little branched, gray-brown skin. Leaves alternate, membranous; petiole 8-15 mm long; leaves lanceolate or broad lanceolate, 9-20 cm long, 1.5-5 cm wide, apex acuminate, base broadly cuneate, margin almost entire or microwave shaped, often slightly roll back, sides and leaf margin with small transparent oil point. Summer in the stem tip to open the purple flowers, the number of flowers arranged in axillary umbels, the total peduncle about 6 cm; small pedicel slender, 1-2 cm long, densely short glandular hairs; calyx 5 lobed, lobes ovate-lanceolate ; corolla bell-shaped, five deep-lobed, lobes ovate to ovate-lanceolate; stamens 5, was born in the base of corolla, filaments short, anthers Arrow; ovary superior, style slender, stigma small. Stone fruit spherical, 5-7 mm in diameter, scarlet when ripe, with russet spots, base with Calyx, the top often Style residue; seed.

[] Cooked dried.

[Taste] bitter, flat.

【Indications】 Qingyan Lihou, Sanyu swelling. Indications: sore throat, bruises, rheumatism.

Dosage roots, leaves are 3-5 money.

[Excerpt] "National Herbal Compendium,"


