
Cloth Jing

[Source] "Yunnan Simao herbal election"

[Pinyin] Bù Jīnɡ

Rickets [alias] fingers, fingers wind, mountain Bauhinia ("Guangxi drug plant list"), Meiha tolerance (Dai name).

[Source] for the mountain Verbenaceae Vitex plant root or stem heartwood. Can be taken throughout the year, slashing the skin, take heart dry season.

[Form of] the original tree, up to 10 to 20 meters. Trunk heartwood brown, strong odor. Palmate complex Leaves opposite, petiole 5 to 10 cm long; leaflets 5, rarely three, the middle leaflet largest, lanceolate, 5 to 12 cm long, 2 to 3 cm wide, apex long acuminate, base wedge-shaped , entire, glabrous, scattered white glandular dots above, below yellow glandular dots. Axillary panicles, 10 to 20 centimeters long, is gray hairs; bracts linear; calyx cup-shaped, truncated form, has been slightly weakened hair, the results of the expansion, such as plate; Corolla yellow-white. Drupe oval, the lower part of accommodation deposit calyx. Flowering autumn to early winter.

[Habitat distribution] was born in the forest or cultivation. Distributed in Yunnan, Guangdong and Guangxi.

[Taste] of light, flat.

【Indications】 cough Dingchuan, calm fever. Treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchitis, cough, shortness of breath, fever, irritability in children.

Dosage Oral: decoction, 2 to 3 money. (Taste the following out of the "Yunnan Simao herbal election")

[Excerpt] "* Dictionary"

