
Wood does not wither

[Pinyin] Bù Diāo Mù

[Alias​​] format the stick, cell Bang Bang

Medicine-based source: Rosaceae lobular ground part of the stone blocks.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Osteomeles schwerinae Schneid.var.microphylla Rehd.et Wils.
Harvesting and storage: summer harvest, excised shoot, cut and dried.

[Original form] leaf stone blocks, deciduous or semi-evergreen spiny shrub, high 1-2m. Branches to carry out, childhood purple-brown, soft gray hair was sparse, dark brown when old, hairless odd pinnate with leaflets 15-31 films, while petiole length 1.5-3cm, width 1-1.5cm, nearly hairless ; stipules lanceolate, caducous; small oval leaves, oblong-elliptic or obovate-oblong, 3-5mm, width 2-4mm, apex acute or short-pointed the lake, the surface dark green, the back is sparse pubescent; leaflets subsessile; a fierce winged leaf axis; flowers bisexual, in Acremonium corymbosa flower, with flowers 3-8 flowers; total peduncle and pedicel are sparse pubescence; bracts linear-lanceolate , pubescent, and fell; calyx lobes 5, ovate-triangular, nearly as long with the calyx tube; petals 5, narrow oval, white; stamens 20, style 5, base pubescent, stigma head-like. Pear oval, diameter 5-6mm, blue black, Calyx reflexed. Flowering from April to May, the fruit of August-September.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: Born in sea cucumber pull 750-2700m slopes, roadsides, dry valley sides, pine trees and shrubs.
Resource Distribution: in Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places.

[] Bitter taste; and warm

Indications kidney; tune in. Main waist and knee pain

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang,6-9g.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"

