
Pakistan Chine

[Source] only contained in the "Compendium of Materia Medica."

[Pinyin] Bā Máo Gēn

[English name] Amur Silvergrass, Aweetcaneflower Silvergrass

[Alias​​] wild reed, purpurin

Medicine-based sources: for the grasses Di of the whole plant.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Miscanthus sacchariflorus (Maxim) Benth et Hook f
Harvesting and storage: year-round mining, washed, dried and cut into sections.

Di [original form], perennial herb, up to 1.5cm. Was a stout rhizome scales. Stem erect, glabrous, more sections, sections with long hair to be. Leaves alternate; sheaths longer than internode, or the upper shorter than those between; leaves about 1mm below the tongue, apex obtuse, with small cilia; leaves bar, length 10-16cm, width 4-12mm, above the base density is soft hair. Fan-shaped panicles, length 20-30cm, shaft and branches are hairless, only slightly weakened in the branches between axillary hair; branches weak, long 10-20cm, each section with a short handle spikelet, a long-handled small ear, are strong, and the same shape, with 2 flowers, only 2 flowers solid; base plate on the white filamentous hair about 2 times the spikelet; 1 2 Ying ridge edge of filamentous hair, transparent membranous edge , ciliated; stamens 3; stigma out from both sides of spikelet. Flowers, fruit from August to October.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: Born in the hillside grass or shore wetlands.
Resource distribution: distributed in northeast, north northwest, east and other places.

[Character] trait identification, Chengbian cylindrical, often curved, diameter 2.5-5mm. Surface yellow-white, slightly glossy, and vertical lines. Often very short section of the Ministry of furry or scaly, pitch 0.5-1.9cm. Quality hard and brittle, a small section of skin Ministry cracks, the center a small hole, the hole around the pink. Gas micro-, tasteless.

Sweet [taste]; of cool

Indications】 heat circulation. Trunk blood tuberculosis; hot flashes; maternal blood loss, thirst; toothache

DOSAGE Oral: Jian Tang,60-90g.

[Discussion of] each, "Xinhua herbal outline": the whole plant: Sweet, cold. There is heat and blood circulation functions. TB dried blood for women, hot flashes, maternal blood loss, thirst, toothache embolism.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"

