
Octagonal lotus

[Source] from the "Compendium of Materia Medica"

[Pinyin] Bā Jiǎo Lián Yè

[English name] leaf of Common Dysosma

[Alias] mandrake leaves

Medicine-based source: Berberidaceae octagonal lotus plant, lotus, and Sichuan hexagonal octagonal lotus leaf.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: 1.Dysosma versipellis (Hance) M. Cheng ex Ying2.Dysosma pleiantha (Hance) Woods. [D.hispida (Hao) Chun] 3.Dysosma veitchii (Hemsl.et Wis.) Fu ex Ying
Harvesting and storage: summer and fall harvest, fresh or dried.

[Original form]
1. Octagonal lotus, perennial herb, stem erect, 20-30cm. Not branched, glabrous, light green. Roots thick, occur, with a clear bowl section. Stems and leaves one, sometimes two, shield-shaped with the students; petiole length 10-15cm; blade circular diameter of about 30cm, often deeply lobed almost leaf-like central part of the edge 4-9 lobed or deeply lobed, wedge-shaped lobes oblong or ovate-elliptic, 2.5-9cm, width 5-7cm, apex acute, the edge of a needle-like zigzag, glabrous above, densely or sparsely below pubescent. Flowers 5-8 flowers arranged in umbels, was born near the top of the petiole near the base of the blade at; pedicel small, about 5cm, drooping flowers, corolla deep end color; sepals 6, the outside has been sparse hair; petals 6, spoon-shaped obovate, about 2.5cm; stamens 6, contains every prominent; ovary superior, 1 room, stigma large, shield-shaped. Berries oval or ovate. Most seeds. April-June flowering, the fruit from August to October.
2. Hexagon lotus, perennial herb, stem erect, hairless, high 10-20cm. Rhizome stout, section obvious. Stem leaves usually 2, opposite, shield-shaped with the students; petiole length 10-15cm, glabrous; leaves oblong or nearly round, length 16-22cm, width 9-18cm, glabrous 6-9 lobed, lobes wide triangular-shaped oval, thin needle-like teeth edge. Flowers flowers arranged in umbels 5-10, was born at the intersection of two handle stems, pedicels 2-3 (-6) cm, flowers drooping; 6 sepals, ovate-oblong or oval-shaped, petals 6, purple , oblong, 2.5-3.5cm, width 1-1.5cm; stamens 6, length 1.2-2.3cm, anthers oblong, apex obtuse; ovary superior, 1 room, style short, stigma peltate. Berries nearly spherical. Flowering from May to June, the fruit from August to September.
3. Dysosma River, perennial herb, stem succulent, high 10-20cm. Base densely brown large scales. Leaves alternate, paper, 2, shield-shaped with the students; leaves circular, a diameter of about 20cm, usually deeply lobed palmate 6-8 almost central, wedge-shaped lobes oblong, apex often 3 crack, a small triangular lobes, above glabrous, leaves the central red-brown, with sparse pubescence below the vein, after the change without hair. Umbel with 2-6 flowers, clusters at the stem top of the petiole between the bifurcation of the axillary (armpit exogenous rare), pedicels 1.5-2cm, with pubescent; sepals 6, membranaceous, oblong-lanceolate, Length 4-5cm, sometimes up to 6cm; stamens 6, anthers with a fine tip tip; ovary 1 room, ovules many, style short and thick, stigma large, was fringed. Berry oval, red, about 3cm. April-June flowering, the fruit from August to October.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: 1. Born in elevation of 300-2200m slopes of forest, wet places. A small amount of cultivation.
2. Born in 600-1600m above sea level slopes of forest, wet places, or a small amount of cultivation.
3 Born 1200-2200m above sea level the mountain wet forest.
Distribution of resources: 1. Located in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
(2) located in Anhui, Zhejiang, Fujian, Taiwan, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan province.
3 distributed in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan.

[] Bitter taste; Xin; natured

】 【Go through the lung

【Indications】 detoxification; cough and asthma. Main carbuncle swollen boils; cough

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang ,6-10g; Leaves 15-30g; or Daozhi. Topical: the amount, pound deposited, or patching.

[Side] ① treatment of asthma with: octagonal lotus leaf one or two of dried persimmons two. Water to cook brown sugar transfer service. ("Fujian Chinese herbal medicine") ② back carbuncle treatment ulcers: octagonal lotus leaf with a needle Mici pore, soaked with rice soup, paste the affected area, for the second day. ("Fujian Chinese herbal medicine")

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"

