

[Pinyin] Bàn Lǎ Zǐ

[Alias​​] see dry, semi-columns, the daughter of Carpinus

Medicine-based sources: the birch elm daughter's ear plants.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Carpinus cordata B1.
Harvesting and storage: the fall harvest, dried in the sun.

[Form of] the original tree, up to 15m. Bark brown, lobed. Branchlets brown or orange, there are grooves, childhood growth and sparse pubescence, older branches gray, with lenticels. Single leaf, two alternate; petiole 1.5-2cm; blade ovate to elliptic-ovate, thin obovate, 7-15cm, width 4-5cm, apex acuminate, barbed tip, heart-shaped base oblique, margin irregular bristle-like heavy serrated, pubescent above, sparse or no hair growth, following along the veins sparsely pubescent; lateral veins 15-20 pairs. Flowers unisexual, monoecious; male inflorescence drooping branches was born two years ago, long 6cm, stamens 10 or more; female inflorescence was born in the top of the new branches, with long stems, bud for the strip, hairy, each bud containing pistils , surrounded by large and small shell-shaped ovary. Fruit bud wide oval, length 15 a 25mm, 10-13mm, imbricate, in volume, with a clear vein pattern. Small nut oblong, 4-6mm, diameter 2mm, with obvious fine rib. May flowering, fruit ripening in September.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: Born in 500-2500m above sea level slopes or in valleys weed in the shade.
Resource distribution: distributed in northeast, north and Shaanxi, Gansu, Henan and other places.

[Taste] Gan; light; natured

Indications stomach and digestion. The main spleen and stomach; loss of appetite; abdominal distention; indigestion

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang,10-15g.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"

