

[Source] from the "Fujian folk medicine"

[Pinyin] Bā Jiǎo Lián

[English name] Common Dysosmatis Rhizome and Root, Sixangular Dysosma Rhizome and Root, Rhizome and root of Sixangular Dysosma, Rhizome and root of Veitch Dysosma

[Alias] podophyllotoxin, MG rhinoceros, horse head poison the public, nine mortar, mortar days, detoxification, harm the mother grass, one-man lotus, grass alone charge, the shame of smallpox, intraoperative law grass, Joan field grass, mountain lotus leaf, dry Holland, octagonal plate, Venus octagonal, single leaf a flower, even octagonal, Jinkui even, octagonal black, white octagonal lotus, Phnom Penh seven

Medicine-based source: Berberidaceae octagonal lotus plant, lotus, and Sichuan hexagonal octagonal lotus roots and rhizomes.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: 1.Dysosma versipellis (Hance) M. Cheng ex Ying2.Dysosma pleiantha (Hance) Woods. [D.hispida (Hao) Chun] 3.Dysosma veitchii (Hemsl.et Wis.) Fu ex Ying
Harvesting and storage: year-round mining, late fall is better. Whole plant wedge, remove the stems and leaves. Silt washed, dried, or dried spare, avoid moisture. With high precision can be fresh.

[Original form]
1. Octagonal lotus, perennial herb, stem erect, 20-30cm. Not branched, glabrous, light green. Roots thick, occur, with a clear bowl section. Stems and leaves one, sometimes two, shield-shaped with the students; petiole length 10-15cm; blade circular diameter of about 30cm, often deeply lobed almost leaf-like central part of the edge 4-9 lobed or deeply lobed, wedge-shaped lobes oblong or ovate-elliptic, 2.5-9cm, width 5-7cm, apex acute, the edge of a needle-like zigzag, glabrous above, densely or sparsely below pubescent. Flowers 5-8 flowers arranged in umbels, was born near the top of the petiole near the base of the blade at; pedicel small, about 5cm, drooping flowers, corolla deep end color; sepals 6, the outside has been sparse hair; petals 6, spoon-shaped obovate, about 2.5cm; stamens 6, contains every prominent; ovary superior, 1 room, stigma large, shield-shaped. Berries oval or ovate. Most seeds. April-June flowering, the fruit from August to October.
2. Hexagon lotus, perennial herb, stem erect, hairless, high 10-20cm. Rhizome stout, section obvious. Stem leaves usually 2, opposite, shield-shaped with the students; petiole length 10-15cm, glabrous; leaves oblong or nearly round, length 16-22cm, width 9-18cm, glabrous 6-9 lobed, lobes wide triangular-shaped oval, thin needle-like teeth edge. Flowers flowers arranged in umbels 5-10, was born at the intersection of two handle stems, pedicels 2-3 (-6) cm, flowers drooping; 6 sepals, ovate-oblong or oval-shaped, petals 6, purple , oblong, 2.5-3.5cm, width 1-1.5cm; stamens 6, length 1.2-2.3cm, anthers oblong, apex obtuse; ovary superior, 1 room, style short, stigma peltate. Berries nearly spherical. Flowering from May to June, the fruit from August to September.
3. Dysosma River, perennial herb, stem succulent, high 10-20cm. Base densely brown large scales. Leaves alternate, paper, 2, shield-shaped with the students; leaves circular, a diameter of about 20cm, usually deeply lobed palmate 6-8 almost central, wedge-shaped lobes oblong, apex often 3 crack, a small triangular lobes, above glabrous, leaves the central red-brown, with sparse pubescence below the vein, after the change without hair. Umbel with 2-6 flowers, clusters at the stem top of the petiole between the bifurcation of the axillary (armpit exogenous rare), pedicels 1.5-2cm, with pubescent; sepals 6, membranaceous, oblong-lanceolate, Length 4-5cm, sometimes up to 6cm; stamens 6, anthers with a fine tip tip; ovary 1 room, ovules many, style short and thick, stigma large, was fringed. Berry oval, red, about 3cm. April-June flowering, the fruit from August to October.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: 1. Born in elevation of 300-2200m slopes of forest, wet places. A small amount of cultivation.
2. Born in 600-1600m above sea level slopes of forest, wet places, or a small amount of cultivation.
3 Born 1200-2200m above sea level the mountain wet forest.
Distribution of resources: 1. Located in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.
(2) located in Anhui, Zhejiang, Fujian, Taiwan, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan province.
3 distributed in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan.

Biological characteristics, like cool damp, avoid bright light, drought. Suitable choice humus-rich, fertile sandy loam planting.
Cultivation techniques, seed breeding, or reproductive ramets. 8-seed breeding ripe fruit collected in September, rub to the skin to collect seeds. Point operations, straw insulation. Division propagation :2-March digging the old rhizome, cut into 12-15cm long pieces, according to row spacing of 30-35cm hole planting, paragraph 1 per hole, casing, watering the root set. April to November can be transplanted.
Field management, open space available forest shade cultivation, without good natural shade conditions, you need to take a short shelf shade. Growing attention to watering, keep the soil moist. More nitrogen fertilizer in spring and summer on more decomposition of organic fertilizer. Autumn and winter with manure, prairie gray earth together wet winter.
Pest control, beer, red spider with a double-blind 20% EC 1000 times Pensha.

[Character] nodular roots, about 6-10cm, diameter of about 0.7-1.5cm, pale yellow when fresh, dry brownish-black; surface flat or slightly concave, there are several small pits, under the mask ring pattern. Most of fibrous roots, up to 20cm, diameter of about 1mm, hairy, pale yellow when fresh, dry brown. Hard and brittle, easily broken. Section of roots yellowish green skin; root cross-section yellow, the central dot V column. Gas micro-, bitter taste. Production in Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou and other places.

[Chemical composition]
Roots and rhizomes with anti-cancer compounds podophyllotoxin (Podophylloto-xin) and deoxy-podophyllotoxin (Deoxypodophyllotoxin). In addition, the still isolated Astragalus saponins (AstragaIin), hyperin (Hyperin), quercetin (Quercetin), kaempferol (Kaempferol) and sitosterol.
1. Octagonal lotus roots and root resins containing about 4.2% share from podophyllotoxin (podophyllotoxin, full leaf grass Su, podophyl-lotoxin), deoxy-podophyllotoxin (deoxypodophyllotoxin), 4 - demethyl podophyllotoxin (4 -demethylpodophyllotoxin,? - Podophyllum peltata Su (?-peltatin),? - Podophyllum peltata Su (?-peltatin), podophyllum poisoning ketone (podophyl-lotoxone), 4 - go to a different hard podophyllotoxin ketone (4 -demethyl-isopicrop-odophyllone), mandrake bitter ketone (picropodophyllone), dehydroepiandrosterone podophyllotoxin (dehydropodophyllotoxin) and podophyllotoxin-4-O-glucoside. Hanshan Nai another phenol.
2. Hexagon lotus root with root podophyllotoxin, 4 - to a drug podophyllotoxin ketone, deoxy podophyllotoxin, podophyllotoxin toxic ketone, 4 - to a drug podophyllotoxin ketone (4-demethylpodophyllotoxone), iso mandrake bitter ketone (isopicropodophyllone ), mandrake bitter elements (picropodophyllin), mandrake bitter ketone (picropodophyllone), Hill leaves hormone (di-phyllin), dehydroepiandrosterone podophyllotoxin (dehy-dropodophyllotoxin), yet with emodin (physcion), Mountain Nai phenol, quercetin glycosides and other milk vetch.

Pharmacological effects
1 cardiac function: root raised in crystalline material, the role of factors like foot grass leaves, on isolated frog heart stimulant, can make it stop in the contraction.
(2) vascular effects: expansion of the role of rabbit ear blood vessels; hind limb blood vessels of the frog, rabbit small intestine and renal blood vessels is a mild contraction.
3 smooth muscle: inhibition of isolated rabbit intestine, rabbit and guinea pig excitement in vitro uterus.

Toxicology whole plant containing resin, can cause cat vomiting, diarrhea, death.

[Identification] TLC: The product of the ethanol extract of the sample solution, an alternative podophyllotoxin ethanol solution as reference solution, to learn for the test solution, reference solution, respectively, points on the same silica gel G thin with chloroform - methanol (9:1) to start 18cm, sulfuric acid - ethanol (1:1) Spray, 120 ℃ baking 5 minutes, was dark brown spots.

[] To take root can be cooked roots sediment washed, dried, cut back. Can also be used fresh.

[] Bitter taste; Xin; of cool; toxic

】 【Go through the lung; liver

【Indications】 based on Sanjie; stasis and relieve pain; detoxification. Main cough; sore throat; M. scrofulaceum; gall; carbuncles; boils; snakebite; for bone loss; Arthralgia

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang ,3-12g; mill juice, or into pills, powder. Topical: the amount, mill juice or vinegar dip, wine Tucha; mash and apply or transfer deposited into powder.

[Note] forbidden to pregnant women, physical weakness, careful service.

[Square] with 1, the beginning of drug treatment swelling: Bajiaolian amount of brown sugar or wine tank, were pounded applicator, for two days. ("Fujian folk medicine") 2, cure boils: Dysosma second money, steaming wine service; and mash and apply the affected area with fibrous roots. ("Guiyang folk herb") 3, M. scrofulaceum rule: Bajiaolian one to twenty-two, rice wine, two liang. Amount of water decoction. ("Fujian folk medicine") 4, Treatment for Herpes Zoster: octagonal lotus root powder, vinegar-coated surface of the skin. ("Guangxi Chinese herbal medicine") 5, odd and even moths sore throat treatment: Dysosma a money mill juice swallowing. ("Guangxi Chinese Medicine Chi") 6, rule bruises: one to three octagonal lotus root of money, research to fine wine delivery service, twice daily. ("Jiangxi herbs") 7, treatment of snakebite: one. Bajiaolian three to five money, mash, red wine, clothes, residue deposited around the wound. ("Guangxi Chinese herbal medicine") II. Octagonal lotus root liquor mill coated surface; can be taken orally, each serving two money. Of the nerve toxin, lotus root five desirable octagonal, with 7 ml 75% alcohol, soaked in seven days, take one to two ml leaching solution, into the wound. ("Jiangxi herbs") 8, Phlegm cough: Dysosma four money, lung two to forty-two, sugar amount. Burning clothes. ("Guangxi Chinese Medicine Chi") 9, governing body weakness, cough, tuberculosis injury, sweating and night sweats: Dysosma three money, pigeon or chicken or steamed pork stew served catty. ("Guiyang folk herb")

[1] each discussed. "Compendium of Materia Medica Supplements": "Bay Building Pieces" Cloud: star anise with Suining production, it can be V snakes. Saying goes, know the octagonal even, to sleep with snakes. Cure all the serpent wound. 2. "Guizhou civil Recipe collection": weak governance prolapse; external swelling consumer injury, and treatment of snake bites, boils. 3. "Fujian folk medicine": Sanjie live stasis, Xiaoying detoxification. 4. "Guangxi Chinese Medicine Chi": phlegm, solutions Snake poison. Hyperactivity phlegm cough, Chong She bites, odd and even moths sore throat, boils. 5. "Sichuan Chinese Medicine Chi ': government workers injured vomiting, back pain, scabies, white bald. 6. Guangzhou force "Chinese Herbal Medicine Handbook": detoxification, dampness purging fire. Governance lymphadenitis, mumps, carbuncle. 7. "Jiangxi herbs": cure kidney, injured workers, heat stroke, stomach pain.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"


