
Half lotus

[Pinyin] Bàn Biān ǒu

Medicine-based sources: the two-fan plants of Chinese double-leaf fern fern roots.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Dipteris chinensis Christ
Harvesting and storage: summer, autumn excavation, washed, with leaves, fresh or dried.

[Original form] plant height 60-90cm. Roots long and will occur, are narrow lanceolate hard scales. Ye Yuansheng; petiole length 30-60cm, gray-brown or brown Straw color; leaf paper, long 20-30cm, width 30-60cm, 2 fragmented into equal fan, every fan and 4-5 deep cleft, following along the veins sparsely gray-brown, with a section of the bristles; lobes wide and 5-8cm, the top again lobed; pointed end back to the lobes short, there is sparse serrated; crack bifurcation surface in the veins, veinlets mesh, mesh with bifurcation of the built-in single or small veins. Sporangia Qunxiao, nearly circular, net pulse scattered born intersection, across a shallow cup-shaped wire; no capsule group cover.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: Born in 800-2100m above sea level slopes of the bush.
Resource distribution: distributed in Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places.

[] Slightly bitter taste; cold

Indications heat and dampness. Primary urine poured Lek astringent pain; back pain; edema

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang,9-15g.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"

