
Fragrant anise

[Source] from the "Guizhou folk medicine."

[Pinyin] Bā Jiǎo Xiānɡ

[English name] Star Anise, Star Anise Fruit, Chinese Star Anise

[Alias​​] spider grass, claw Tianma

Medicine-based Source: Compositae A white crab grass tubers.
Latin name of plant and animal fossil: Cacalia ainsliaefora (Franch.) Hand .- Mazz. [Senecio ainsliae-florus Franch.]
Harvesting and storage: the fall of excavation, clean, fresh or dried slices.

[Original form] A white crab grass perennial herb, 60-100cm. Roots thick. Department of brown stems and inflorescence pubescent. Lower leaves of flowering litter; Leaves alternate; petiole length 5-8cm; round or kidney-shaped leaves, with 5-7 triangular lobes, base width heart-shaped or cross-sectional shape, random stickers on the following sparse hair, or nearly hairless, following along pubescent on veins, middle leaf length and width of 8-12cm, upper leaves smaller, and the middle leaves the same shape. Capitulum very much at the top or the upper leaf axils or re-arranged in racemose racemose, inflorescence branches to carry out a total peduncle very short, there are 1-3 small bracts linear; rachis and pedicel brown dense undercoat total ; involucre cylindrical, 6-7mm; phyllaries 5, linear-lanceolate, glabrous; spend five, tube-shaped, white. Achenes cylindrical; pappus white or dirty white.

[Habitat distribution]
Environment: forest edge or grassland was born.
Resource distribution: distributed in Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou and other places.

[Taste] Weixin; and warm

【Indications】 stasis; detoxify; insecticide. Main rheumatoid edema; swelling of unknown drugs; scabies ringworm

Dosage Oral: Jian Tang,10-15g. Topical: the amount, trace deposited; or grinding juice coated.

[Square] with 1 treatment swelling of unknown drugs: anise Hong pound velvet wrap the affected area. 2. Scabies ringworm treatment: Hong ground anise wine or vinegar, paint the affected area. 3 rheumatism edema: Hong twelve octagonal, triangular wind, all five vine Lygodium money. Jianshui Washing and orally.

[Excerpt] "Chinese Materia Medica"


